Psychoanalysis of the Body: Intercorporeality, Projection, and Introjection
Psychoanalysis of the Body: Intercorporeality, Projection, and Introjection
The embodiment paradigm is a flexible, constantly changing multidisciplinary scientific approach beyond phenomenology by focusing on the systematic study of the culturally subjected body. As for approaching individuality, the embodiment paradigm considers the human being as a flesh and blood body, which exists in the network of its relationships. The embodiment paradigm conceptualizes psychotherapy as a therapeutic talk between human bodies. The theories and practices of psychotherapy fit into the embodiment research model well. The theoretical framework of embodiment offers new perspectives on psychoanalysis and on body-oriented psychotherapies. Thought within this paradigm is novel psychological anthropology that designates exciting new research directions for the humanities and social sciences. Knowledge on the psychology of embodied existence can serve as a starting point for a deeper understanding of human suffering and civilization & its discontents. Learning more about the embodied experience can explain how we create our culture and how culture shapes us.