MyStreet Movement and Participatory Video
MyStreet Movement and Participatory Video
Most anthropologists who publish on educational topics are employed by schools of education to train students in the use of ethnography to improve educational practices. They also may contribute to curricula and educational policy. There is, however, a vast arena of applied educational work conducted by anthropologists and educational ethnographers that falls outside of these pursuits. This includes the invention and implementation of curricula for outof-school learning, museum exhibits and other interactive displays, innovative ways of representing research results to the public, and new ways of engaging publics in conducting their own research for interventions and advocacy (Schensul 2011). In this chapter we focus on the relationship between youth participatory action research (YPAR) and improvisational filmmaking as a pedagogical approach to increasing public voice among youth experiencing social, economic, and educational disparities by offering them a unique means of engaging different publics with their research and lived experience.